The GamingPCTelly.
from the the devoted Gaming PC development team at TellyPC.Com - TellyGaming.Com - TeleyGames.Com - GameTelev.Com - - GameTVision.Com - PCTVSet.Com - PCTVision.Com - TVisionSet.Com - GamingPCTV.Com - GamePCTV.Com team behind the development of the GameTVSet.Com - GamingTVSet.Com - along with all in one model - GameTellyV.Com with - the GameTelly.App & the PcGaming.App on the side pre-set list on your TellyComputer.. for playing games direct from the app to your TellyPC - or Teleyphone - learn more about the Teleyphone development project at Teleyphone.Com ! from PC also tune into mad trash talk outbursts from PC Gaming PVP noobs on the other team while you main line Saracha sauce as you sit there & calmly enough stream live gamePlay to your fan basseth like what was once done in the elder years of the internet and shabby gaming PC set ups - parts etc.. nowhwere near the level of excellence associated with our top shelf Gaming PC - the GameTellyV. or GameTVSet. - catch live streams soonish enoughish - on TelevisedGame.Com TelevisedGaming.Com GamingTelevised.Com & - soonish - as well as game play streams on our very own GamerTelly.Com & TelevisionGamer.Com too!
TVised.Com - TubeVised.Com TellyVised.Com - teleyVised.Com - & Teleyision.Com - from the stream dream team at TellyComp.Com - TubeComp.Com - ComputerTVision.Com PCTeleV.Com TeleVPC.Com - TVisionPC.Com TelevisionComputer.Com CompTelly.Com CompTeleV.Com - buy the latest and greatest TellyPC model/line on CompDealer.Com - soon enough, buddy.. soon enough.. Stay tuned for the launch as we dot our i's - cross our T's and bat our eyes at the bank fella to get a loan for a hefty bulk order of top of the line gaming PC parts - we just simply can't mass produce these without the proper funding - These things take time, money, and did i mention - money, my man.. So bare with us while we scour the couch cushions a bit more - scrimp and save - and keep our eyes peeled for interested tech investors who like investing in sure things Run by confident enough blokes dedicated to producing quality tech gizmos and Tv / game streaming platforms taboot - mainly becuase - we put our heart into everything we do - We love to flip around thru channels on on school TVSet's and because of that - We went way out of our way to include the best channel set list money can buy - & we paid price too! on domains that could easily go for 10 grand a pop - simply because we used our noggins - and were pretty devoted at that - to getting the best channel names possible for our product - even if it doesnt seem like something worth spending all that time and energy on - it means of heck of a lot to us to have just the absolute best stream channel names as well as the name of the product itself which we are content with finally - the TellyPC. Stay tuned for the launch - Check TellyV.Com & TeleyV.Com relatively soonish enoughish haha - bare with us here at the development project meltdown studios dept. at TellyPC HQ